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Spell Additions

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by BqwaOLD, May 5, 2019.


Which of these spells would you enjoy having

  1. All

  2. None

  3. Assassin spell

    0 vote(s)
  4. Archer spell

    0 vote(s)
  5. Mage spell

  6. Warrior spell

Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. BqwaOLD

    BqwaOLD Famous Adventurer

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    Spells: perhaps the most pivotal addition to Wynncraft, but there have been no additions to the list for a long time. This is a commonly suggested idea, but I found a lack of ideas like mine. let's get to

    Notice: all names are up for change, I'm not good with names

    General info:
    These spells would be unlocked at level 45 and would be upgraded at level 66 and 88. They would have the same characteristics of normal spells, takes away Mana, etc. One last thing is that it would be R-L-R+shift to use

    Assassin: Dagger throw/ninja star
    This spell would be the ONLY long range spell that when first added you may throw the Dagger you own with the cool animation (retextured poison arrow) at your enemy, going up to 50 blocks, but it would stay in the foe, making them take poison damage whenever they move. If you were to go within a 2 block radius, you could pull it out of them and continue the fight.
    Cost: 8 mana
    Upgrade #1: slows the money down while Dagger is in them
    Upgrade #2: gives you speed V for 5 seconds while mob is hit, allowing for quicker retrieval

    Mage: enragement/quickstrike
    This spell would be a major advantage for a group, where once cast, it would increase the attack speed of the weapon everyone is holding in a 5 block radius by one level for 30 seconds, but will not go over the cap (super fast) ex. If my friend has a very slow spear, and I use this spell, it would instead be a slow spear. This effect can be stacked, but only twice to prevent it from being ridiculously overpowered.
    Cost:15 Mana
    Upgrade #1:gives everyone +10 damage of a random element
    Upgrade #2:gives speed 1 for 10 seconds

    Archer: arrowstab/stronghead
    This could be contoversial, as archers are considered very long range, and none but this spell changes this, allowing the Archer to use their arrows like a dagger, just as strong as their bow with the same specs. This happens for 30 seconds.
    Cost:10 mana
    Upgrade #1: gives speed 2 for 15 seconds
    Upgrade #2: gives resistance for 10 seconds

    This spell is rather different than all other spells in it's usage, as it increases the capability of each one of their spells being twice as strong, like the uppercut spell shooting the mob up twice as high, etc. This happens for 15 seconds.
    Cost: 10 mana
    Upgrade #1: gives speed 2 for 15 seconds
    Upgrade #2: lowers each spell cost by 2 Mana

    Overall I feel these would be rather fun to add, and add a new element to the game.

    Cost:Everything ;)
  2. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Some of those are extremely overpowered.
  3. BqwaOLD

    BqwaOLD Famous Adventurer

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    Please explain which :)
  4. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    and what of powder specials, hmm?

    incredibly far, especially for a class ment to have low range (it's necessary balance, otherwise assassins would be like archer but with actual survivability)

    that would be incredibly broken, many melee builds are either held back by lack of raw melee or lack of attack speed, and-
    alright everyone, switch in your centipede for a shawl of gaea, we're gonna break the game (even one attack speed boost can be ridiculously overpowered)

    Could you reword that? I have no clue what you're trying to say.

    so you're saying that if i get a build with, say, 11k uppercuts (very strong spell warrior), you could do 22k uppercuts.. for 1 mana at 114 intelligence, or even 0 mana at 147 intelligence

    tl;dr: all of them (but if the archer spell is what i think it might be, it could be balanced and quite fun)
  5. BqwaOLD

    BqwaOLD Famous Adventurer

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    1. Sorry, haven't heard of powder specials, could you please explain
    2. I meant like if you could throw it in an arc, and get lucky, it will hit.
    3/4. Maybe there could be drawback effects, like slowness itself? This may fix #4 as well
    5. It basically would be like swapping your bow for arrows you can attack with, but then would switch back to your bow.
    6. I was trying to say that it would throw the enemy up 2 times as high
    7. Thanks for clearing it up, if you have any suggestions as to how to nerf it, I would gladly add them! :). Other Q, what was your idea for Archer?
  6. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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  7. ItsFreakinHarry

    ItsFreakinHarry The Insane Suggestion Creator

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    While the attempt is not terrible, honestly the balancing of these spells is way out of control. Let's break this down shall we.

    A 50 meter throwing ability for only 8 mana? Why? Assassin is specifically balanced around the concept that they have to get up close and personal with their targets, putting them at risk (hence why they have higher natural defense compared to archers). Sure you have to retrieve your dagger to (im assuming you lose your dagger and you have to go get it or else you don't have a weapon period, but this should be spelled out before-hand) keep fighting, but if you have to do so, what was the point of throwing it if you need to retrieve it anyways? It's unlikely you will be an Archer and one-shot a target with this ability, so what's the point?

    Also, Speed V is WAY too overpowered, even if it is just for 5 seconds. That is literally x2 multiplier to your movement speed, which is over 11m/s (assuming no move speed increases/decreases and the player is sprinting), way fast enough to get your dagger before the effect ends. This, in my opinion, is absolutely insane even for an Assassin. While I still disagree with the mechanic of the spell, lowering it to 20 meters of throwing and 2 seconds of Speed V would be a lot more balanced imo.

    I am so confused as to what this spell is used for. Unless this grants an attack speed increase or some other kind of effect, I don't understand the point. Firing at close range (or better yet, use Arrow Storm or Bomb Arrow on them) should suffice just fine. Even so, and I understand your intent wasn't to make the archer shorter ranged, but that's exactly what this does. Archer's strength is in its ranged capabilities, giving them a melee tool as a last resort (while interesting in concept) does little to entice an archer to give up their strong ranged attacks and spells to jab enemies with an arrow.

    yes let's just make mages even better, why not.

    Mage is already extremely strong in groups, it does not need another spell to make groups even stronger. Sure, you could argue a 15 mana cost (way too high btw) makes it balanced, but all it would do in practice is turn mages from a healer and sometimes damage dealer to a user of basically 2 spells: Heal and this one. While I would say a full support is not inherently bad for the game, there is little skill or really anything involved other than "stay near group and spam R-L-R and R-L-R+shift." Now I am no mage expert so my reasoning may be incorrect, but either way I don't see what problem this spell solves with the current meta-game.

    Out of all of these, this one probably has the most potential, but is both poorly balanced and lacks details. What exactly is doubled for each spell?
    - Bash: damage? number of hits? slow duration? slow amount?
    - Charge: damage? distance travelled? speed of user?
    - Uppercut: (yes to distance launched) damage? fireworks effects? speed of meteor?
    - War Scream: damage? effect amounts? effect duration?
    These can have major impacts on how balanced this spell is, but no matter what effects are boosted, this has either very minimal use or extremely broken usage. Let's just look at Uppercut for now.

    If Uppercut launches twice as high and that's it, what's the point? Why does this matter?
    If it increases damage as well, remember that x2 multiplier is MASSIVE for a spell such as Uppercut, which would make it way out of line on the OP side.
    If it increases number of fireworks, refer back to the last point.
    If it increases speed of meteor crashdown, refer to the first point.

    I like the idea overall, but it is just too far on each side of too weak and too strong, which ultimately leads to a no from me on this one too.

    I would like to apologize for the ramble, but I wanted to get my point across to explain in a constructive manner as to why each of these spells would fail in terms of balancing and fixing actual problems for the classes in Wynn.
    Epicness937 and Tsukiji like this.
  8. BqwaOLD

    BqwaOLD Famous Adventurer

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    I see, thank you for your input! I understand that some of these spells may seem a bit overpowered, so I have been thinking of a few ways to nerf them, though they don't seem to be too good :(. Any suggestions would be welcome, especially about the warrior one, as people seem to like that one in particular. Once again, thank you for your input.
    Interesting! I had no idea what the specials were, but now I do. Thanks!
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