IGN: ZetaSM Preferred Nickname: Zeta Highest Level Class (min lvl 90): 103 (329) Age: 20 Will you help contribute to the guild(wars/xp/emeralds):...
Fair enough, any chance to make it a tad less glassy? Also is there is an estimation on the cost of this build minus the alka?
Long time no see it's 3quinox, what's good
Sounds good, add me on discord. Zeta#0001
It's what it says. Looking for something up to par in the current meta for a decent melee DPS. I have a pretty aged build but I'm not sure if it...
Bidding 40, willing to take it off your hands today if you're really trying to get rid of it.
Much more complicated than you think. The email is no longer the same, the account was made in 2011, email was changed multiple times since that,...
Hey guys! I don't post here often but I have enjoyed playing Wynncraft for the 6 years I've played. I would love to continue, however, my...
[MEDIA] Corrupted Infested Pit
Will be making individual videos of all corrupted dungeons, soloed. Stay tuned as I'll be uploading more quickly. Here is the first. [MEDIA]
Perfect, wonder how many mythics are left behind/ignored while grinding
Guess you could say that’s a “BruhMoment”
Yeah I know. Nothing crazy. Just thought something that goes into detail would be nice.
To anyone who might find this useful, this is an earth warrior build based around melee with no real disadvantages. https://wynndata.tk/s/Unlg8z...