It'd be better if you can send pictures Thx for the contribution anyway <3
Um yeah this thread's purpose is hunting for those new ings added in 2.0 I've found Weaponsmithing and Cooking ingredients by Wynntils Guide but...
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[IMG] Umm yeah, this is Astrum Legati, the new guild which was created a few days ago. We accept everyone and no min level req. Its current...
As title said, this thread is about my videos of doing Raid or Dungeon. I used music from other games to make the video more epic(or nah), and...
Can't remember where I downloaded it... Maybe you can try to google by typing galaxy/milky way in Minecraft or something? <3
[IMG] Here ya go buddy! I hope you also enjoy the galaxy behind me LOL
Yeah so I can finally slap those Inferno haters with this photo <3 Your heartbeat must be LIGHTNING FAST I bet
Ikr! So I think I'm really lucky .-. But not my muscle and heart
As the title said, I soloed Orphion [IMG] As you can see... all my 3 party members are dead [IMG] And REEEEE! Tho Orphion was like 1m...
Did you just try to make it look like a syringe? If that's your secret meaning .-.
B U M P! Grab yourself best katana now!
BUMP! Odenta sold! Do not miss my masterpiece!
BUMP! Dojigiri sold! Now grab your katana asap!