Ohm's wish sold for 1.5 le!
I'm on now
bump i'm on now
Actually, AlchabenKaker offered more, so... sorry ;-; those prices are ok btw that's fine XD
Most of these legendaries came from the Herb Cave (next to the Great Bridge near Nesaak) To get there, cross the Great Bridge into the Jungle- as...
You make an offer first please XD where have you been grinding? :O
6.25 le for ethereal XD even though you're probably going to buyout it doesn't hurt to try i guess
I'll be on from now (3:00 PM EST) to approximately 5:00 PM EST if you to trade
Offer first?
Okay :D Where would you like to meet and when? Can you go on now?
maybe a tad bit higher? how about around 8? tell me if that's too high i looked around a bit on forums for the pricing tbh it can range anywhere...
Ragni's Mail + Kratke solde for 2.5 le!
Ethereal for 5.5 le? I have a stalagmites http://prnt.sc/ahnvln I could buy your ethereal for my stalagmites and 2.5 le?
IGN: YinYoru Reason: I spent 8 le trying to breed a black horse... and ended up with one. Joke: Why don't you eat a clock? Cuz it's TIME...
Ookay :D can you go on now?