Holders of Bob is now reqruiting levels 65 plus! Welcome Wynncraftians in order to join the guild you will have to follow these rules....
How much is a 30/30 chestnut?
Can I buy it?For 1 le?
Did you sell Andesite#?Andesite #2
How much are a 1/40 white horse?
2.5 for mountain spiritDoes 2.5 le sound good for mountain spiritHow much for 12/40 white horse?
DarkArcherFast told you it was a rip off
Ign: XxSnkyParkourxX Highest Level Class: Ninja 73 How often do you play: 3-5 hours Time Zone: Est Why do you want to join guild: Because my guild...
Buying Chackram and Crystal
I'll buy Scorpion for 32 ebI'll buy scorpion for 1 le actually
Infinity (Legendary Archer/Hunter Lvl55) Wolf Bow (Unique Archer/Hunter Lvl65) Black Spear (Unique Warrior/Knight Lvl68) HeatWind (Unique...
IGN:XxSnkyParkourxX Class & Level: Ninja/60 Tell Us About Yourself: I like to see people in guilds that help each other out and do guild wars. I...
I'll like to suggest if we can add horses to shop like Brown 5$ Black 10$ Chestnut 20$ White 30$ or Maxed Brown horse 7.99$ Maxed Black 14.99$...
Any. Weapons
IGN:XxSnkyParkourxX Highest Level Class: Lvl 59 Ninja How Many Hours do you play/day:3-4 Why Do you Want to Join CrS: I like guilds that have...