IGN: xXHappyWheelsXx Timezone: GMT + 2 Why you're interested in joining SPC: I'd like to be able to help the guild as well as newer players that...
oh, cool thanks!
What do stars ( * ) represent next to an item's stats? For example: Mana Regen +1/4s**
holly wow this looks amazing (rip my free time when this comes out)
I've been playing wynncraft for quite a while and I've travelled to almost every town, city and village.But I've seen that every town, city or...
a good idea would be: once adding a powder to armor or weapons, you can remove it, but it will give you its previous tier. For example T6 to T5...
lmao XD
A new stat for weapons or armor that makes the "sprint" bar regen faster
wow this suggestion was better than I thought
Also a really good idea
Yeah, thanks for that :)
I've been think about this idea for quite some time and I thought it would be cool to have special effects that show which element you are using...
Thanks alot man :)
gear suggestions, i accept any lvl even though i am lvl 60 but i am slowly building :)
You can also suggest mythics on this build