Didn't know that Mythics armor were a thing.
You're too weak to be strong then. 100 push ups 10 kilometers run and 100 abs everyday.
Ok for 4 LE then, quite sad that it's not worth this much though. What server you on and IGN ?
So how much is it really worth like without giving me very cheap prices >_> or should I try giving it a reindentify ?
4Le Maybe ?
Don't know, put your prices I'm not an expert.
Hi, everyone ! I'm pretty new to the shop selling buisness so I don't know much about prices. But I'll be selling most of the time Rares and...
Aron is the cutest to me. ARON FOREVER.
Forgetting to close all your programs that suck up all your memory before going in LoL game then crash, and get reported after that.
My first username was GinDaitenshi meaning Silver Archangel which sounded pretty cool, but sounded very weird and a pain to write. So switched to...
I never understood what's good having HP on a weapon since when you switch to regen with a potion you lose all dem HP.
Well, I don't know if you can but. First of all, I would give myself every rank and every payed items x time in stacks then spawning myself stuff...
Well, that was quite the trap. But loot I chest gave me tons of legendaries so I would have believed it.
Hisaya is my current one... Well, google helped me.
A youtube link, well let's not post that here (lennyface).