Ok, this is epic
Shhhh I didn't earn it legit, so I don't keep it legit, um, something like that ;)
I'm selling a Mythic Crusade Sabatons [IMG] If link doesnt work, then it has: +12% Fire Defense +8 Defense +7% Earth Damage +11%* Spell Damage...
ooo, this sounds fancy, despite being hero, imma enter anyway :p IF I win, I would love to get some either crates - xp bombs - or dungeon bombs...
Not really, just like, if you select a location, your compass will point to it
With the new dungeons and discoveries update, there is now, (big shock if you didn't figure it out) discoveries. I was thinking, could there be a...
I have a friend who's ign is - HyperAcedia - Imagine this, a CSST party lasting more than 1 xp bomb, without switching worlds. who likes my...
I couldn't fit everyone in. There is a limit to how many you can do
What is your favourite undertale character? Feel free to post any character I missed. I couldn't put any more down on the poll :( Personally,...
Intense choice
Idk, probably is, but unless they get rid of the rocks blocking the path to dern, a tiny little cave entrance would suck as the entrance to dern
My guess is that it does lead to Dern but isn't the main entrance. Surely this large new area would have some sort of epic entrance, right? Unless...
@Selvut283 could this be added?