Got Ohms wish
How much follow?
Selvut is this a new mount confirmed?!??! That warps time and space???!
Heh, greetings friends. I have returned from my spiritual journey and discovered some interesting things... Around in Sky Islands though, I saw...
30 stacks of zight money. Do the math.
YES YOU MENTIONED ZIGHT MONEY. Zhight money should just be updated for shops period. No need for a new currency.
10 Stacks of Zight money for the lament. And ill give 1 zhight money for the warchief.
Back from my spiritual journey through the new province of Zhight
Zhight money.....I sensed its true potential the day I sought it. Right now it is very much in a useless state, however, it has the POTENTIAL to...
Still gonna not buy monster cause archer is life and i got freedom ;d
Name it Zhight_Monee
IGN: Universaljustice I remember when you made a giveaway about you leaving, it felt like only today, that is my favorite accomplishment of yours.
2 Options. Either start selling legends and work your way up or..... JOIN THE ZHIGHT MOVEMENT. Convert the le into zight money and start your own...
Well, there are some crazies who will grind crazily to get materials to enter Mythic dungeons and grind them to dust. Mythics are met to be super...
64 zight seeds