this one was easy, how has it not been found [SPOILER] also in case this is really the last image I might actually take the money :)
I missed the new images being added :( [SPOILER]
I found it guys, it was on my housing all along [SPOILER] but seriously, I'd assume it to be behind the wall I posted earlier, it having the same...
the pattern on this wall is the same so I'd guess it's behind here, but I didn't know there was anything behind that wall and I have no idea how...
I don't want any of the money, it's all good
this one was easy [SPOILER] which ones are left to do? 7 and 10?
and the other one thank you for hosting this, hope there will be more spots to find :) [IMG]
Don't want the LE but hi[IMG]
A button to claim all emeralds/items from finished trades would be neat.
The dynamic filters are looking great, is there a filter for unid/ided items?
Early game caves worked for me when I had to get some for ironman, in the areas around emerald trail, maltic/katoa ranch and nivla woods. The...
Hi, I'm looking for a warp build. Requirements: about 30 or more mana regen at least 0 raw health regen at least -100% health regen Once...