Bdoubleo's videos in 2014
Is Smoke Bomb worth building around compared to the standard Spin/Multihit? If so then what are some good Smoke bomb builds?
is there a reason for Stillwater Blue over Aquarius if we're mainly doing air damage?
I've been using this TWA build for a while https://wynndata.tk/s/w1tbsg I like to have good speed, and mana regen for spamming spells, but...
[SPOILER] Is this an oversight or is there some way it's useful?
Changelog when?
but I just explained how, even if they have the same numbers, arrow shield will always be a worse damage spell than bomb arrow. And with a spell...
im not sure how the damage matters when bomb arrow is easier to spam, ranged, bounces, and doesnt knock the enemy out of range whenever it hits them.
I know the cross weapon in the trailer is probably just a new mage weapon/wand skin but I still have hope it's a cleric class.
If there's a new dungeon i would bet on it being the light dungeon, since it's been sitting there for however long.
That could just be some wand skin I havent seen. if it isn't, I'd bet it's a weapon for some new cleric class.
Forgot the Light Dungeon smh
that build's pretty cool, but it also doesn't use spells at all, which was my point.
Are class abilities being looked into too? something that hampers build diversity is classes not having abilities that scale with an element, Air...