Welcome back from retirement, soldier!
Welcome to the province, young adventurer! You certainly tell a strange story, perhaps you got bit by a bug? I have not heard of that one before...
Welcome to the forums, fellow archer! Always nice to see people choosing this path. Tell me, my friend, what do you enjoy in the world the most?...
Welcome to Wynncraft, young mage! Glad to see some interested in the loor as well! Trust me, there is a ton of it, just waiting for you to...
Hello! while there most likely won't be an official translation, you can help other by translating the quests on the wiki instead. This may also...
Welcome, welcome, young recruit! Glad to have you here! The hordes are ever growing, it may have to do something with that... thing appearing at...
Welcome to the glorious province of Wynn! Hope the journey wasn't too bad, I heard one too many stories about the caravan and the underpas......
Welcome to the Llevigar docks, master mage! Tell us more about yourself, what area of magic do you specialize in, what drives your further on your...
Hello, good old TrapinchO at your service, if you stil need the help! Just find me on discord (same name) and we can go on the adventure! Thanks...
Welcome, recruit!
Welcome to the province, recruit! Glad to hear you enjoy your stay here, and I hope it will last! There indeed is a ton of things to do, many...
Welcome! What do you like the most on the server so far?
Hey, I remember this guy! A good storyteller as well!
We left the Maex square and went through the dim underpass. I was boiling in the heavy armor the dwarves got me, and the Crust Crusher on my back...