all good, if you get a chance let me know
dang nice work
I mean if not infinite maybe have it get upgraded through quests. Would make it a bit more interesting then just have a bunch of money.
srry but I would have to straight up say no to this. While there are certainly lots that can be improved with the bank this would make inventory...
if raids are done like most other mmos then that won't really be necessary. generally in mmos raids take more than an hour. so while the loot...
While it would be convenient it would lead to people having way too many potions on them. As it stands I think the amount of potions we can take...
make it so the gear is unusable like with lvl req without completing the relevant dungeon quest. though I really don't see any particular need for...
ah ok, I tried adding it on lightshot and a few others. havent tried imgur before. Thanks :)
ok fair enough, I guess I'll leave it there then
maybe increase the critical hit chance as well, if not together then slightly decrease the damage boost and add a critical chance increase just so...
ah mb, also i saw the second vid but I thought it could still use at least a block for the meteor instead of just the particle effect.
another plus is that you don't have to run back to town when you are one short of whatever dungeon reward you need to buy a tool or gear and have...
idk if its been mentioned yet or not but a cool addition for meteor would be a wave of blocks heading out from the point of impact or maybe just a...
oo maybe they could even add some liquid scrap :D
If we pray to salted will it come faster :3