Have them watch Boku no Pico for the rest of their life Only God can help him after all that suffering
Yo Mama's so STUPID, she thinks that Gavel will come out We are still waiting ;-; just believe
His past.... *tears swell up in eyes* how did he endure that pain *cries* THAT'S SO HORRIBLE HOW COULD THEY DO THAT TO HIM
Hmmmm interesting idea, I would also like to see maybe some of your skill names changed depending on your rep if possible so for example Meteor,...
Very interesting class, I would certainly like this being added in but as others have said the second spell is not travel buuuuuuut... it might be...
The people who did this horrible act were none other than "The Terrorists Of Wynn", the 7 of September shall be known as The 9/7 Thread Bombing :3
I agree, also instead of using 1 soul point you use 2 or 3 to make it less op
A very good idea. +1 Supporter
Amazing Idea, all I think is the the level requirement needs to be lowered a little bit Some more class idea's if you want to make them: Shaman...
Well, maybe it could be a super rare item like they could only add 10 into wynncraft so it would be like the pumpkin or nether armor
Lol, he wanted to make 3D glasses? Why don't we start it back up again and try and get it into wynncraft
What was the 3D glasses thread?, sorry im not informed but that's because I join like 1 month ago
Btw Gavel will be 2 times bigger than Wynn minus the ocean
The 9/7 Thread Bombing
Okay... probably the worst phrased thread yet