I was in a party with 3 others and only one of them had wynntils, but I was able to track my other friend in the party who doesnt have wynntils. I...
I remember so one gaming session with some friends I was able to see and track my friends on the wynntils map. That only happened once and never...
oh ok thanks
i finished all quests tho
archer but i suck
every now and then I get the lightweight id randomly. idk where its coming from. i checked my armor and weapon. i also checked my ability tree but...
oh ok thanks for the info :P
me and my friend are building on a housing plot I just wanted to know if afking on a housing plot is okay because I thought you could get punished...
[ATTACH] ive seen this white particle since i started playing, I only saw it in ragni. why is it spawning there?
its pretty cool tho
forget about the crafting thing i got it
daily 12 -1342 -5100 it just updated and someone posted damn
its a prismatic spore in an item display. idk why it shows a whole totem. ???[ATTACH]
no, i had no faith in the original post to becoming any sort or relevance, now im just asking questions, i might ask more if i have more questions
im trying to craft something at a low level but i cant anymore. idk if im like insane but wasn't there feature i could scroll back to lower levels...