ur fine and actually you dont even need mana sustain unless you wanna fly, cuz arcanist prints mana. but ur build doesnt deal good dps as other...
just use morph lmao https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/builder?v=13#9_0cD0cB0cA0c80c70cF0c40c90CD14140h14141g000000z0z0+0+0+0+0-1TzZdcgrk6B Classic...
why use dshroud when you can slap aleph null it gives 2k more ophanim per melee before winded (9k more on 30 winded and fortitude) at cost of 3k...
Creator(s): Me Main Item(s): Lunar spine and all the crafted dmg slap Element Combo: TWA Archetype(s): Arcanist Build Link:...
https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/builder?v=10#9_0zx0jD07n0xf0kN0kN0BF0Ji0Qy2M0t000w001g00001000CO0z0z0+0+0+0+0-1Tjtxst3O2E WynnBuilder build: >...
tanky fatal crabs lb from blue's builds...
tbh riftwalker sucks and its only used on specific manastorm abuse build (it got nerfed and unusable now) or only pick breathless on other...
if you played rainbow lament, just use TWA one instead....
wynnbuilder is broken, so use hppeng-wynn instead same build with 30 winded tree, u can replace rings and necklaces....
full morph with morrowind or the nothing works.
but at least those shade-crobat does not harm eachother like sharp-bolt (arrow rain proc = urfocusgone) or lightbender-arcanist (healer archetype...
https://hppeng-wynn.github.io/builder?v=8#9_0zy0u80D40+F0TQ0uP0KI0Ji0Rb0e0j0e-F2C1g00001004fU0z0z0+0+0+0+0-1T-pzDoPnas0 WynnBuilder build: >...
forseen swordman nukes everyones dps (even hmelee cuz they need some dots like smoke to obtain stacks) when you run hemophillic gambit and random...
hana 20stx+laby 20stx+reso about 15stx+crabs about 11stx (in current market) so its ez 60 stx with mythic you want ofc ill get green pill than...