I had this idea for trade and the wynn economy; a post office! I don't know if this has been suggested before, but as far as I can tell it hasn't...
1) IGN: SureCameron 2) Tag a friend who plays Wynn: @Alendar 3) Why do you want discoverer: Uhm it's a mythic?! 4) How many mythics have you...
lol or they could add a pound/pet shop to "drop" your pets off.
I've only recently come back to wynncraft, so excuse my lack of knowledge on frequent suggestions, but it's nice to know others feel the same way...
Sorry if that title is a little rambly, but here's my idea. I bought my rank after I had already started characters, making the option for the...
I'm on rn, server 13
Yeah, come rn. We need 2 more people
Come on rn, we're finishing it!
Still looking for people.....
I need a group too. I'm in the blue meteor, so all that would need to be done is yellow and red. I'm available anytime this week. IGN: YourBroCameron
Awesome! I'm on rn, but we would need to find 1 person to wait for us/not do the quest.
Hey, I'm recruiting a group for the ??? Quest. I need 3 people; one of which who has already completed the quest, and 2 who need to complete the...
I need a group too. I'm on rn. My IGN: is YourBroCameron
Same. IGN: YourBroCameron