Both of the targets you have to attack first are positioned in areas that have plenty of room for cover from the mobs. I've found on pretty glassy...
The Corrupter of Worlds is the guy who was in leading the mining operation that discovered the nether portal. He's called the "Corrupter of...
It sounds like you're expecting absolutely no effort to have to be made to beat this boss. The invincible phase was (probably) designed with the...
This is what I had in mind. Require all the cooperating players to enter the dungeon / boss room together and after that nobody can enter (or...
Yellow Rose maybe also Crossroad Killer
Right now co-op play is sort of unbalanced. If you fight a boss with multiple people you will usually shred it much faster than what is probably...
If particularly you mean that you want all endgame content to be given some sort of affiliation with a few elements and only drop elements of that...
Yes but I cannot read that or understand or make sense of it, and I think I'm a fair bit nerdier than the average person, and that's kind of the...
These two haven't really coexisted, in my opinion. TNA kind of steals the spotlight and I tend to forget EO is even there. TNA is way harder and...
The point is that TCC is a big enough deal that it should be the main focus of whatever big climactic thing you are going to have in the region. I...
When you set the content book to show content of the "nearest level", "lowest level" etc. it doesn't actually do that. It seems to randomly...
ok but why does this matter? There isn't any standardization of pronunciations of English-language landmarks or names or anything like that in...
I think the main issue is the fact that this is what The Canyon Colossus is supposed to be. If TCC is lackluster in filling this role that is a...
I don't feel like you should do that. "no, the lore is consistent!" does not somehow debunk the claim that gameplay could be better. Nothing has...