For some reason Discord decided I'm no longer champion, even though I am in-game and on forum D:
Oh I love being an Alchemist in Monumenta, a cursory read is already telling me I'm going to love this. How are base Main attack potions handled,...
Lari's fate is currently unknown. It's implied she's somewhere in the Dernic realm, probably currently alive if barely, but we have no real ways...
I do believe pot items still exist, but also... why? Lootruns and raids are good enough money sources nowadays that it's become pretty unnecessary...
[ATTACH] My pride and joy still.
Personally I'm a fan of Mage lootrunning since that's really all I've ever done since 2.0.3 when it was first introduced. You actually don't need...
Hello again! I'm writing this post as a centralized location to post all of my lootrunning guides, now that I've updated all of them to 2.1. I've...
Yep! They were added during the 2.1 beta after enough feedback about the travel times in Corkus. I haven't gotten around to memorizing them all...
Good <insert current time zone for you the reader>! You've probably seen me around the forums, mostly posting about my guides for lootrunning. I...
Went hard on SE lootruns last week after that chests Idol. 68,000 pulls later, no Idol.
Hello all! Hope you're doing well and you've been having as much fun with Rekindled as I have. By popular request I've finally written down a...