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Feb 23, 2021
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    1. Endistic
      YO item team WHERE the Hell are the changes to toxo, How long DOES it take to FIX a weapon ffs. The item team slower than a FROZEN FORT GRIND PARTY WITH NO SCROLLS OR FOOD OR COSMIC ARMOR USERS. SMH SMH SMH. my 3 13k POISON TOXOs ARE NOW WORTH 1/3 of their ORIGINAL PRICE BECAUsE OF u GUYs. SMH SMH SMH
      1. SpotAction likes this.
    2. SkiesUnknown
      YO item team WHERE the Hell are the changes to toxo, How long DOES it take to FIX a weapon ffs. The item team slower than a FROZEN FORT GRIND PARTY WITH NO SCROLLS OR FOOD OR COSMIC ARMOR USERS. SMH SMH SMH. my 3 13k POISON TOXOs ARE NOW WORTH 1/3 of their ORIGINAL PRICE BECAUsE OF u GUYs. SMH SMH SMH
      1. SpotAction likes this.
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