Unfortunately your application was denied, feel free to try again in a week!
Get back up there!
Minecraft IGN: Splintered Discord Tag: Wassah b#0024 Your First Pets Name: Uh idk if this is IRL or not but IRL was Bogey
Hi Salted and staff. I'm going to be addressing this directly to you in the hopes that you read this. This is not a dig at you guys at all, the...
I'd say Mage easily. With the way wars work now and tons of other things I find myself always needing at least one more mage. Lootruns are best...
Can I get the Heliophilia?
... already did it too *facepalm*
Sound of Silence Adigards Snowshoes Chained Pixels Laen's Curiosity Rayshyroth's Knowledge MOST IMPORTANT High xp Stress
Splintered Wassah b#0024
This would be amazing! No longer forgetting BNU is IBT would just be crazy.
Your application has been accepted! Welcome to the guild! An invite will be sent to you ingame.
Congrats! You have been accepted into the guild! An invite will be sent to you ingame!
Hey! I'm happy to say that you have been accepted into ERN! An invite will be sent to you ingame. Welcome to the guild!
Who didn't bump this?!
I like french fries!