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Wynncraft, the Minecraft MMORPG. Play it now on your Minecraft client at (IP): play.wynncraft.com. No mods required! Click here for more info...
Nov 21, 2016
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May 21
The first state


Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el, from The first state

    1. The Lich
      The Lich
      What a lovely profile i found!
    2. CaptainTT
      Ooga Booga
      1. Spinel likes this.
      2. Spinel
        Thank you Ivan, very cool!
        Aug 19, 2022
    3. CaptainTT
    4. Spinel
      Can’t believe I started playing 5 years ago
      1. Kahsol likes this.
    5. Spinel
      1. Faruzan~ and Kokomers like this.
    6. Spinel
      1. Spinel
        What a shame, he was my favorite mod :(
        Feb 12, 2021
      2. Ankarin
        Feb 12, 2021
    7. Spinel
      My Wii broke today and I’m sad about that :(
      1. Kokomers likes this.
      2. Spinel
        It turns on fine, but it can’t read discs anymore. I looked it up and it seems to be an issue with the disc drive. That can be replaced, but I’m not going to go through that trouble right now, maybe sometime in the near future.
        Jan 30, 2021
      3. Faruzan~
        Sorry for your lost.
        Mar 6, 2021
    8. Spinel
      I just randomly remembered a minecraft server called Zambies that I played with a friend back in 2014
      1. Kahsol likes this.
      2. Spinel
        It was a COD-like zombies game. I just looked it up and it’s shutting down on Jan. 30. Sad .-.
        Jan 25, 2021
        Kahsol likes this.
    9. Spinel
      “ It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A. It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A. They have everything For young men to enjoy.”
      1. Kahsol likes this.
    10. Spinel
      The first few months of the year really suck, even without a pandemic. January through March is just a bad time for me every year.
      1. Spinel
        The way I see it, 2021 has to be better than 2020, but I don’t have much faith that 2021 will be a significant improvement because you know, the pandemic. Hopefully it will be over by the summer..
        Dec 31, 2020
      2. TwentyZ6
        It’ll all get better! It has to, and always does! :)
        Dec 31, 2020
    11. Spinel
      Can you guys believe that it’s almost been 3 years since Ugandan Knuckles was a thing?
      1. Kahsol and Kokomers like this.
      2. Kahsol
        Dec 21, 2020
    12. Spinel
      I was at the grocery store the other day and I saw a young kid wearing a Tekashi 69 mask. Should I be concerned?
      1. Kahsol likes this.
      2. Official store
        Official store
        Nah it probably wasn’t him
        Dec 10, 2020
        PlasmaWarrior and Kahsol like this.
      3. Spinel
        I meant a cloth mask, like the ones to protect from corona.
        By wearing a mask like that, it implies that the kid listened to/liked Tekashi, which is concerning because he's one of the worst role models out there.
        Dec 10, 2020
        Kahsol likes this.
      4. Official store
        Official store
        It probably wasn’t actually him
        Dec 11, 2020
        PlasmaWarrior and Kahsol like this.
    13. Spinel
      It’s been over two years and I still haven’t played Deltarune yet. I should probably do that lol
      1. Kahsol likes this.
    14. Spinel
      I’ve said this before, but fuck Disney. They’re releasing live action Mulan on Disney+, but as a 30-dollar pay per view.
      1. Kahsol, Pifg and Ghostie like this.
      2. Spinel
        For christs’ sake, that’s more expensive than a movie ticket! And let’s not forget, Mulan isn’t a completely new movie, it’s a live action remake. I get that they have to make money somehow, but 30 dollars per view? It should be 10-15 dollars per view
        Aug 4, 2020
        Kahsol likes this.
      3. Ghostie
        Disney’s being silly, marketing their movie like some new invention when this will be their THIRD Mulan movie... Have you seen the 2009 live-action movie ’Rise of a Warrior’ by Jingle Ma? I haven’t watched it, but it supposedly has pretty good reviews.
        Aug 4, 2020
        Kahsol likes this.
    15. Spinel
      1. Kahsol and Kokomers like this.
      2. Spinel
        Literally got this from doing EO
        Aug 3, 2020
        Kahsol likes this.
      3. Spinel
        Aug 3, 2020
        Kahsol and Triactic like this.
    16. Spinel
      DAE miss the holiday updates? We haven’t had one since 2016, and it doesn’t seem like we will this year either.
      1. Kahsol likes this.
      2. Spinel
        I understand why this is the case- Updates take a longer time to make now, they can’t push the map while making an update, blah blah blah. I just thought that the holiday updates were nice because they added a few new quests and other stuff so that there wouldn’t be a complete content drought in between big updates.
        Jul 27, 2020
        Kahsol likes this.
      3. Spinel
        I still remember the weekend before Halloween 2016, I was trying to figure out how to do A Grave Mistake when it was still broken, and there were 30 other people in the houses that were having the same issues as me. Good times lol
        Jul 27, 2020
        Kahsol likes this.
      4. Kahsol
        holiday updates are the best
        Jul 27, 2020
    17. H0Y
      1. H0Y
        Jun 28, 2020
      2. thepicferret
        Lunar spine
        Jun 28, 2020
      3. Spinel
    18. Spinel
      Jeffrey Dahmer has the same birthday as me fml
      1. Faruzan~ likes this.
    19. Spinel
      1. YungPottyMouf and Official store like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Spinel
        Journalists sites like these are a joke. They’re all the same; Anticipated game comes out, journalists write guides for them, they run out of things to write about, and then this happens.

        To hypothetical reader: Please don’t make the mistake I did and do not click on any of these articles. That’s exactly what they want you to do
        Apr 18, 2020
      4. Official store
        Official store
        Never did I expect business insider to write a review of Animal Crossing
        Apr 18, 2020
      5. RicochetfromtheD
        Never disrespect animal crossing again, business insider.
        Apr 18, 2020
    20. Spinel
      I know that I’m 2 weeks late, but Steven Universe Future was disappointing
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  • About

    May 21
    The first state
    I was the 30th person to accomplish getting level 100 jeweling. That’s just about the only accomplishment I have...

    Wow, this is like the fourth time I changed my info tab, let's hope that this time, what I write here is permanent.

    Anyway, things about me for you stalkers out there:
    • I like video games, especially Nintendo (although with some of their business decisions as of late, I'm having a harder and harder time believing myself). In particular, I like the Super Mario Galaxy games, Breath of the Wild, Splatoon, AC New Horizons (yes, I played New Leaf and I didn't like it) the Luigi's Mansion series, and every mainline Pokemon game from gens 3-7. Even though Pokemon in its current state is so far gone that it's beyond saving imo, I still play the games to shiny hunt.
    • Other games I like include Minecraft, Skyrim, the Bayonetta series, Undertale, Cuphead, Celeste, Roller Coaster Tycoon 1 and 2, and pretty much any (J)RPG besides modern Pokemon
    • In general, I really don't watch TV shows and movies that much, but I'm a huge fan of Steven Universe. I like Gravity Falls too, but I haven't seen every episode of the latter. In terms of live-action shows, Full House is a guilty pleasure of mine.
    • I'm technically a Harry Potter fan, but I'll be honest...I just didn't finish reading any of the books after Goblet of Fire. I tried, but they were just too long for me. I did really care about the characters and story though, so I spoiled myself and looked up what happened afterwards.
    • I also used to love the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. Books 1-6 were the golden age, books 7-10 were alright, and books 11 to present is when the series started to go downhill. Although book 13 was the last book I read, and I've heard that books 14 and 15 are an improvement, so maybe I'll give the series a chance again.
    • I'm fairly into politics and current events, although I don't really like discussing them on a public forum like this one. I only discuss them with my friends.
    • My favorite food is seafood. The only seafood I tried that I didn't really like were scallops, other than that, I pretty much like everything.
    I don't want to bore you too much, so I'll stop here


    To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Bayonetta. The intense action is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of the engaging story. most of the action will go over a typical player's head. There's also Bayonetta's sassy outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation- her personal philosophy draws heavily from Japanese literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this action, to realise that it's not just awesome, it say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence, people who dislike Bayonetta truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the meaning in Bayonetta's existential catchphrase "Avavago," which itself is a cryptic reference to what "Avavago" means in Enochian, "thunders". I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Hideki Kamiya's genius wit unfolds itself on their console screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

    And yes, by the way, i DO have a Gomorrah tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the true fans' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
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