^, they already glow yellow. the boss bar at the top of your screen tells you this if you are holding the crystal
I hope you guys like it, we put a lot of work into it :)
Hi, Purple Emerald. Thank you for your post! We here at Wynncraft know how much mathematical sequences please our players. To this end, these soul...
how will they know im an og scripta now with all these newbs
first? 10char edit: got damn you guys are quick
Haha, yeah, I know. I was just being a lil facetious with the whole narrative for effect. This is a very cool solution to the problem! I...
10stx minimum please
A while ago I made a thread about your chances of getting a Mythic from the Forgery Chest. It did pretty well (as I hope all my threads do) in...
colossal rat
That is correct, yes. When you log on on each individual class any existing runs on it will be "migrated" to your player data (cross-class data),...
am i allowed to go in spectator and post an image from the current map (and yet is completely inaccessible) i think it would be funny
Hi all. In the next patch your forgery "pity chance" will be stored player-wide (instead of on a per-class basis). This should help out people who...
I added this a while ago, there's nothing more to it than being able to place a rose there. I just thought it was a nice thing to add
can't believe salted didn't talk about bloomi coming up after the next update
can't wait for everyone to use an engine