I've been spam playing the demo, and having alot of fun with it. Light bowgun FTW! They really upped the difficulty on this game though, and i've...
Spoopy scary skeletons, shivers down your spine... HYYYYYYPPPPPPEEEE!
Overrated: FNAF (Decent games, people have made awesome fnaf songs, but the FANBASE *shudders*) Underrated: Spore (bit old now, but still awesome....
Awesome drawing. But is it more awesome than this video? [MEDIA] Yeah, i thought so.
Have to agree. Why? Just... what about someone digging a hole is interesting? That's what he gets for trying to grief in the first place. Also:...
yeah, i guess the entire decision is up to opinon, really. Something that distracts, heals, and does mini explosions is good in my book.
1. MINECRAFT 2.Halo 3.undertale 4. Happy Wars 5.Terriaria It is,but in outer space with the ability to go to multiple planets. You also have a...
How dare you! starbound is awesome!
So i recently got two common avians, and one has decoy/heal/rising fury, the other has mheal/savage/attack close. Which one is better?
yeah, and wut about those dungeons?
i made a fac with sum guy named BitchPlease on a server called destria, also, met someone named asderrreguh (think it was a little kid)
I luv pokemon, but i feel like they might be running out of pokemon ideas. over 700 unique kinds is a pretty awesome feat itself. Plus, every bad...
Snakers28 US Wisconsin Al least lvl fifteen Mage, not sure about assassin besides that it's close to my Mage lvl. Don't have skype I want to join...
Lel. I hate it when my siblings mess up stuff ive done on servers.