I like this one. . .
IGN: _Ncrosis Discord: CosmicHurricane#5011 Why _Necrosis should win: He is quite a strapping individual, whose outstanding qualities would be...
_Necrosis CosmicHurricane#5011 512
https://imgur.com/a/OlD4AXj Wish I had shaders on for the first one.
just going to confirm/check that what you mean in hint 13 implies that the overall range on each side is the same ex: 123456789 and 113456789...
If I fall, don't bring me back?
My brain trying to solve this puzzle ---->() --> O --> 0 --> _o_ --> ____
[SPOILER]Missing a few symbols as in change it into wynnic?? Wynnic is basically a different version of Romal Numerals with the same patterns,...
give us hints 8-100 pls
Back to the base 5 route, I got the same numbers for the range as other people, but I just want to see if there is anything related to 59-64 as...
I wonder if it's a cipher that is between those numbers
ye just read that
So the 1.19 trailer just dropped and they introduced a lot of new stuff that you probably saw. But in the case that you didn't, they released Dern...
_Necrosis Good luck everyone!
ahhh i didn't do frank as my cook for any of my classes, thanks. You know anything about the second one near the sky raiders base?