Buying Jester Ring with 33% xp... I don't want 32, 31, 30.... ! Just 33% Tell me in game please!
Selling Grandmother http://prntscr.com/cm9sw8 3 stacks of le
Buying Kayde with 13% xp - Msg me in game
How much the Kayde 13%? msg me on minecraft or here..
Buying : Papyrus with 39% xp bonus BadWolf with 38-42% xp bonus Tell-me on minecraft please ! If i'm not online post here ! Thanks !
Buying Return to Ether with 33% of xp - Please msg me on minecraft, or if i'm not online talk on forum!
Buying bad wolf with 36% xp or more < Buying Papyrus with 35% xp or more < Please, tell me on minecraft < If i'm not online, talk to me on forum <
Talk to me on wynncraft... what time u enter?
25le is my offer
Buying > Jester Ring and Bracelet with 30%+ xp bonus and loot bonus
These are the items that I sell: Fyrespit; Rewind; Sage; Kratke; Hydra; Endurance; Chakram; Svalinn; Leikkuri; Jungle Artifact; Ohms' Wish;...
Selling The old Adventurer's Armor from vip town. Starting Bid: 32LE
Never, its more expensive than 32LE '-'
Is the Dyed Adventurer's armor
Full Adventurer's Armor, Do Bid !