hehehehehe 11% xp badwolf better than my almujs walkers i guess :/
I think it's kind of necessary because if it wasn't there (and strictly enforced), people would go around saying "I LOST MY ___! MOD PLZ GIVE IT...
deal whenever you're on pm me
Okay. Thanks!
Just saying, (I haven't read everything plz dont hurt me) would you be able to put backpacks into backpacks? Cuz if so, that's kinda broken...
mmm im kinda low on money no thanks sorry
lol thats kinda sad No words for this
1 le for clarivoyance
Wow. You have... REALLY bad luck.
Completely unrelated, but I got an 11% xp badwolf My luck is too good
Massive. Massive. MASSIVE lag. Imagine if 60 players on 1 server spawned in 60 dragons. That would kill some people's computers.
Probably Marge? Idk that's all I can think of for the mage. Also, I think a lot of people would like it more if you switched perspectives. Because...
Oh okay. Ohhh!!! I get it. Thanks!
The purple one was post-gavel.
Hello! Recently i have experienced that no matter how many purple crystal shards I have in my inventory, the Wynn excavation site C guy isn't...