What's the lowest you're willing to go on the Gaia?
Got my profile picture today and I absolutely love it! It's priceless, at least a lot more than the 20EB they wanted to accept... Definitely...
Welcome, I love Wynncraft and Rolling Stones!
Agree... Also why would you change the launch distance? If anything, make it work in all directions so you can also shoot yourself forwards. That...
Do you have discord? Message me there! Pulsejet#9651 :D
Good luck! (And free BUMP) :D
How much are you looking for on the revenant?
IGN is Sciency! Discord: Pulsejet#9651
nope, under your armour and all, there are four designated slots for accessories. You have to put them in there (and have the correct skill point...
My IGN is Sciency, A story about the number 48: Coincidentally #48 was the ranking number I got for my university application to Aerospace...
This is pretty cool! Do you have a discord account we could communicate through? :D
How much are you looking for on the Revenant?
IGN: Sciency Discord: Pulsejet#9651 Reason to win: I haven't played with any of these mythics yet and I'd love to play with 'm! :D
I used Monster with a intel-defence build and it was pretty easy...
I do like this comment! It's a nice remark and does add another level to PvP where you have to pay attention to poison too, without taking its PvP...