In-Game Username: SardineFish Country and Time-Zone: Egypt (GMT +2) Gender: Male Age : 17 How often, and for how long do you usually play on...
Hey, I would like to buy 5 T6 Water powders
I'm buying about 15 FF keys and a good Ophiuchus, reply with your offers
@Newracket hey, can you reserve it for me, and if you can, can you come at like 3:30 or 4pm, because when you replied it already was 1:30 AM :/
Can't find any Suspicious spots spawning in the jg, so I would like to buy 6 shards., your offers
@Newracket I'm down, @ me here or PM me when you're on
How much for the Aquamarine?
Hey, I would like to take the unid'ed Sitis
I would like to buy the Soul Signal, Max Dark Channeler and the Memento please
In-Game Username: SardineFish Country and Time-Zone: Egypt (GMT +2) Gender: Male Age : 16 How often, and for how long do you usually play on...
I am a lvl 96 assassin, trying to find what builds are good rn (No mythics tho) It can be a lvl 100 build, Just a good end game build, thnx :)
Listen my bruddha u are a non belivaeh if u throw de commanda off da thred Eh-Eh Eh-Eh I am gunna smear da blud on u becuz u are a non believah
What did I create
Where is da queen
Hey my bruddas , so liek do u kno da wae ?