>.> the music can be a little loud?
http://catsownmylife.tumblr.com/post/149691528752/mag-neat-ooooooooo-luunytoonz Unmute it and understand my reaction to what just happened...
bumping this for all the help it gave me
A few things that you mixed up, 1. Talking mushroom had nothing to do with it in the end, it was a mushroom painting found on skiens island for...
Didn't they remove it a while back? Or was it just the xp boost? I know they mentioned something about it a bit back.
The next day... "Ask and ye shall recieve!" Pfft haha, love the timing of that XD
Bumping to prevent being buried
It gave you permission to enter the meteor, people tried before but it denied them entry. At least that's what I gathered
They didn't credit us, all they did was congratulate the group who finished first... People really need to pick up a thesaurus or a dictionary...
I'm messaging the poster of our thread to change the tag to discussion. Just an fyi :)
Mostly the first group to finish that I was in, we posted that thread to tell everyone that it was working and could be done legit. Sad that every...
Wynncraft just tweeted that we were the official first group to beat it. Got check the main site.
Hey, the door opened and we went in. Was legit as can be.
I got the same response, word for word XD How many people asked that...
I'm VIP+ atm, good to know, I'll try it every now and then to see if it's fixed.