Class: Warrior (95) Playstyle: Spell spam Restrictions: Must be water damage based Preferences: None at all
Something to add: Right before entering the cave there are some very annoying sounds, can't seem to find a mob so it's probably related with the...
https://imgur.com/a/pt4J49d Was walking around corkus, found a strange empty cave with lots of ramifications and broken control panels. At the...
Looking for an improvement for my current build, designed for level 85....
Is this valuable? I find no trades in market, looks pretty good tho. [ATTACH]
Version: 1.20.3 Class: Warrior (lvl 95) Playstyle: Spellspam tanky Restrictions: My 2 stacks of LE (1 cheap mythic max) Preferences: Has to be...
[Entanglement] There's none in the market. I think it's a decent item. Any idea of the price range range? [ATTACH]
Thank you for the builds submitted. I finally chose Nekotoro's tank build with a minor swap, Royal Stormy Amulet for Tenuto. Here's the link:...
Looking for a new build for my Warrior. I currently have a champion build:...
Do you have any builds for a level 60 Knight? Would prefer an hibrid one. Thank you for your time!
Ign: Recku Number: 224
Im at red meteor, I really need help, don't have any friends ;-;
Im in red meteor. Where do I have to stand? In the pressure plate? Also, if 2 other people are in the other meteors, do we all get tp'd to the...
Im also in the red meteor, please answer.