You are probably trying to enter the wrong office. You need to go to left on the first floor. It will say "administration office". Enter there.
Want me to post a digital version of the day 1 or 4 artwork? I love the composition and smooth linework!
Thanks alot to you guys aswell! I am grateful that you like it! ~ Thanks, Quaze :)
Excuse me for late reply! Thanks alot guys. I love to hear that you like it! I'm sorry that you need to use money. I get alot of requests and each...
PM me some images, I may look into it if I have the time. <3 [IMG]
What tools do you use to draw? You have a great style.
Is that a demand I hear?
Seriously, I appreciate people like you alot! <3
Never expected such amazing feedback! Thanks alot guys, I take it very personally. Great feedback must come from very great people! :)^^...
I've been very busy with comissions and I wanted to break it up by sharing something with y'all. These gems are taken from a recent comission I...
Secret is secret! :)
[IMG] Always need dem clothes you know! I love my cosmetics...