Hey guys, I haven't played wynn in like 3 yrs and I want to do all the new quests on my warrior. However it currently has a full tank build which...
Hi everyone. I haven't played wynn in like 3 years and I never properly made a build for my shaman. I'm looking for a self sufficient build that...
ign: qraq contact: mirmir#6341 pog!
ah okay I see, thank you
my question about default profile pics is if it's my skin or not, because everyone else seems to have the steve with the grey cat onesie thing so...
again, magma, it's in your signature, so nobody has to message you for the link
lol, the one that lets you mine the spike?
[ATTACH] unlike other npcs, you can move them around if you have kb spells, it's pretty funny cuz you can knock the teachers off the stage and stuff
my friend TheOolong made a pretty good guide (but it's more for powerleveling once you already have 100+ classes) here it is: click here
sorry emolga :(
I'm seeing a GM next to that name. That means everything you say is canon. @Emogla3 rekt!
so then someone else from dern?
I'm just throwing this out here. What we know is that Bob spent his life force sealing the Portal to Dern so that this guy can't escape Dern. ok...
bumping because heehoo
iboju? why is thanos bad? I really liked from the bottom also lexdale is at heart a quest-oriented city, think of it like just a quest region for...