So basically its name is even a warrior clone
OMG OMG YOU DONT CARE!!! OMG OMG WHAT SHOULD I DO?? Oh yeah, not care... He is a youtuber
actually, That guys a youtuber... i found out here: http://plancke.nl/hypixel/stats/HiMyNameIsAJ but AJH is here:...
I wonder how many times you all voted each...
Ok I got bored so I started playing Hypixel SkyWars Then Randomly, I saw his name in the chat. I will claim my 64 Le Reward soon, salted...
ok it has some warrior in it and a lot of mage, but I dont think 2 classes of the same type wouldnt be too good...I am proud of my response :)
I think that the range should be higher cuz its long and its only 0...
st of all I hope there isnt any trouble with this one, But Im ignoring the haters (Literally) Feel Free to Suggest How to fix it if you think it...
Why fire Tho?Im going to make a new thread on this btw cuz I screwed up with the poll New 1:...
I was trying to do something like this: [IMG] [ATTACH] This
Ok Ill take that advice thanks :)
1st of all I hope there isnt any trouble with this one, But Im ignoring the haters (Literally) Feel Free to Suggest How to fix it if you think it...
Finally no more BullShit
and even though you alll are ranting None of you actually have useful advice Lmao Every Single Person Here was ranting on 1 thing that I...
Its funny How I Only Spent 5 Minutes on this and it attracted many retards trying to hate on me Again, I barely Spent time on this