Hello everyone, Still working on the project, but due to reasons mentioned in previous post + needed break, the update will be delayed. Thank...
Hello guy, I would like to inform you about current state. Due to ongoing things in my personal life, I'll be finishing item guide as fast as I...
FlameKnights Wynncraft veteran casual guild About us A veteran Wynncraft guild with nearly 8 years of experience in the game. We focus on...
Patch update - Hello Guys, unfortunately due to lack of time for last 1.5 week, I've went for troubleshooting and fixes of item database. - I have...
Update next week peeps.
Hey ppl, new update next week. Would you like to have some early version release?
New update will be next week. Still working on item database. [SPOILER]
Hey everyone, please note that update will be delayed. I had to work on another project (IRL based), which needed my attention. However,...
From what I've seen, it could be done, but it will require a lot of work for feature of map itself, but its playnned. But for now, the item...
Hey, as you've said. There isn't supported API for that, so currently I focus on API supported things. But would be cool to find way how to...
CUSTOM CONTROLS & (WIP) Item database Hello everyone, unfortunately, the lack of time I was able to do only few bits, but at least some...