I'm looking for a Genesis with high elemental defenses particularly in Water and Thunder. Since the market's price check says the 2 week average...
Alright thanks guys. Sucks that I'll need to use an alternative until my shaman is leveled, but I guess that's expected. (I tried /fixquests, but...
So I hadn't played in a while and felt like logging in with my warrior again since I saw a new area over level 100 on the map; this lead to me...
Sure, that's why I'm stalking the internet at the moment anyway.
I'll sell it to you for 15.
Sorry for not seeing that message yesterday, I should be able to be online for a while today. I may not be on the server the entire time I'm...
40 EB is fine, when can you get online?
Wait, when did BlahBlah161616 get forum banned? Anyway I do support this so add my name though I do see problems with the cost of server upkeep.
I should probably bump this before it's late enough to be a necro.
Nah, we just need to make mythics a little bit but not too much more rare than legendries and then they won't be so over priced since there are so...
Well, I just use very high intelligence and mana regen then spam charge or teleport (if I ever decided to work on my mage again) but I guess it's...
How would speed be OP? I don't see why everyone likes speed builds so much, all you get out of it is the ability to move fast, and you can just...