Thanks! I have some questions regarding the build and hope that you can answer them as I have not played warrior for a looong time (even before...
Class: Warrior Playstyle: Tank style that can solo bosses like Qira/LI (and a build I really like to play on my highest char - archer - jup tank...
Hello everyone! I wanted to start a new class after getting my full end-game gear on archer and I generally like very tanky builds but warrior is...
got one so unnecessary to reply ty
In case you got one you can message me over discord Nickmathes#1059 Looking for Health>LS>%DMG>DMG
@Miles_ Ah ok thank you. I guess I will have to wait for that then :/ I did not see a mention of demon tide in the item change log for the future...
As stated in the title I am wondering about the legendary leggings "Demon Tide". It is one of the items I want to use in my endgame build due to...
Hey guys so lately I found an iron chestplate in a lootchest and wondered because it was set and I dont know any iron set... So I Id'd it and it...
reserved :D
How much for this? :) It has pretty good stats
pls just stop its getting annoying
pls stop the spam too .-.
IGN: nickmathes Main Class and Level: Mage / Level 90 Stuff: Never had a Mythic before and I got so many levels ;-;IGN: nickmathes Main Class and...
IGN: nickmathes Main Class and Level: Mage / Level 90 Stuff: Never had a Mythic before and I got so many levels ;-;