https://wynndata.tk/s/1S7Ncm I did ask someone on the discord but it was kinda thrown together and half-assed. Plus a few parts of it, I can't use...
My current lvl is 91, but I'm close to lvl 92.
I have not played Wynncraft for a few months, so with the latest major update I am looking to get back into the game. I would like to know if...
Do you mean the cave tunnel?
I can't seem to be able to finish the Meaningful Holiday quest. I am stuck at Reshad and I can't seem to talk to him. I've tried to look for...
I can't seem to connect to the server, and I have been trying for the past few days. I am getting this error " Could not connect to default or...
Could you give me the cords of where the forge is?
Where can I find the corrupted key?
What are the cords for it? I can't seem to find it anywhere on the forums or wiki.
Yea I still want it, been busy with life. Um, my offer is 10 le?
10 le? I'm on a fairly tight budget >.<
Oh srry Im on now.
3 le?
Something just came up, I can come on tomorrow tho.
I saw it, how much?