me and a friend are looking to do the ??? quest, if possible we would like to start around 10am tomorrow (sunday 25-july) we already have the...
https://imgur.com/2e3FwtS this is the gaia im selling, looking for about 64le
selling this gaia for like 1 stack https://imgur.com/ZGLDCcD [IMG]
IGN (In-Game Username): michielman2 Age (Optional): 18 Guild History (previous guilds): hax, imp, fox, pun, shy (probably more but cant...
1. What is your username? My username is michielman2 2. What is your Discord username? (Ex. birdiefly209#0987) My discord username is...
IGN: michielman2 Preferred Nickname: michiel/michael something like that i dont really mind Highest Level Class (min lvl 75): 105 mage 794 with...
That is like 24eb per item i think. So if i buy all thats 240eb wich is about 4le. Does that sound fair?
How much do you want for the ancient currency?
In Game Name: My IGN is Michielman2. Age: I'm 17 years old Region (NA, EU, AS, OCE): I'm in EU, i live in the Netherlands. Highest class and...
im looking for loot quality items that are strong enough to let me survive in the silent expanse
i have this memento if you are interested 1.5-2le https://imgur.com/oh9slf4
will you start at lvl 0 in the hero beta? because if that is the case it will take a long time before people can test the new region and the new...
Looking to buy a good downfall and a good horizon downfal mainly looking for: good meelee dmg, good earth dmg and good strength horizon mainly...
hey i would like some nii runes. I see you have 10 but i need 11 howmuch do you want per rune?