Anyone got a good oly build?
Is there any like meta mythic weapons for 2.0 or are all of them equally balanced?
trift spring build i can do tcc with and not die 90% of the time
How garfield from the hit game garfield cart is a descendant of Lari
We ever gonna get class balancing (cough shaman cough)
Strength dex changes, more like a indirect buff
How is alka trash. Post buff alka is pretty good
Fruma along with some endgame content most likely. Tasim will probably a main character in fruma. Another thing, but probably not so likely is a...
https://wynnbuilder.github.io/index.html#4_0kq0ZS0LM0VN0BK0Jf0BI0uH0qr1K0+001p0t1e00001000CO Probably ways to make it better but this is a lot...
Welcome to prof. Its just like runescape, a whole lot of sad
Use granite helm if you don't want to grind for blood moon
At level 98 you can use anthracite ballistic for like 7k+ dps but you won't be able to use courage. Also atleast us t5 cause their not too...
Imo the only better thing you could use is courage prest. Even then, you aren't gonna do as much dps as most classes unless you use trift or like...
https://wynnbuilder.github.io/#4_0690cB0cA0c80cF0cF0TN0c908d0d0q1f0k0d1B000010008n 5.6k hp but you want to look at eph since that's your hp plus...