hey brother member me ? :( back after 2 years of death
God darn it, I come back to this forum to see that all my former buddies on here have left or a inactive ;-;.
Holy shit I really miss Wynn I guess its time to return now. Anyone maybe want to be in a party?
If you like Skyrim then try Oblivion and Morrowwind they come before Skyrim in the Elder Scroll series and are even really good games.
I was gonna discuss over how awesome this game is but then Gandhi nukes me right in the anus.
I find it extremely overrated. It has a extremely shit and toxic community filled with Russians,12 year olds and people with bad mics and hackers....
Max graphics is 12k. Or 4k + super sampling which makes it 8K.
Is it fun?: Oh hell yeah it is What do you do in it?: Kill heroes for no reason around the world of Overwatch and watch Tracer her ass What's it...
That game is so bad, I bought it and refunded after I saw the horror this game is. After you've done questing the Dark Zone is your only option...
That's bullshit that they say that because Activision has no saying over what story/content is in the game.
He smiled as he used his wiener to cut down the enemy forces
Playing since BC and Cata and Mists wasn't that bad. Cataclysm gave you the feeling you were battling this big danger and Deathwing and Ragnaros...
That happened to me too xD