oh actually ill go for the 84% one, and how about 5LE?oh, actually, i'll go for the 84% hp regen one, what would you say about, 5LE? Hello? Would...
What would you want for the 97% hp grillface?
Hey, I'm looking to buy a chestnut horse as cheap as possible, it's current speed and jump don't matter to me. I just want to buy one.
oh i don't have that kind of money, nevermind then
How much would you want for the 30% greaves of honor?
IGN: mario12001 Why I want your items: Most of the armor that I am currently wearing is quite underpowered for my level and I'm actually quite...
IGN: mario12001 GUESS: 8%
How much would you want for the second jester bracelet?
IGN: mario12001 CLASS: Warrior ANYTHING: Good exp armor (for lvl 65 preferably) RANDOM NUMBER: 65
I'm back, server 17 detlas
fine with me
how about 32EB?
Hey, long time no see (not), i'd also like to buy the Ragni's Mail #1, do you still have it?
how much would you want for the jester's necklace?
Is the Call of the Void, Bridge of the Divide, and the jester's bracelet still up for sale? If so i'd like to buy both for say, 2.5LE? Msg me back...