Ign: quinnrockstar Lets all be completely honest here. . . Its a damn freedom, who the hell wouldn't want it. And also the weapon would be great...
[ATTACH] How much would this thingy be worth?
Man hhe fps on the first video is so smooth, along with the shaders it looks biotiful.
Can i buy both of the rings for 6 le?
So basically the edge clan of wynncraft?
My current chest plate is millennium with 225 spell damage, and i want to get an upgrade chestplate for the future, should i upgrade to soul...
Soul signal can be good if you want some spell damage on your build, and Aquarius is good if you want mana regen over spell damage it also...
back now family issues, im in detlas server 16
ok i'll most likely still be online until then
Can i buy the clairvoyance for 1 le?
I'll buy the Millennium
I accidentally sold mine to an item buyer and it would help a lot with my build at the moment, so i would be awesome if i could buy one from...
third eye, memento, crystal/dark channeler, millennium/better spell damage chest plate. For legendary bows you can use Maelstrom and for a...
I started playing the game 3 years ago, almost 4! and throughout those 3-4 years (mostly the summer) i have spent hours on end and no lifing the...