I don't know if you'll ever seen this (24 pages, yikes) but I need help with Reincarnation. I have all the animal items already thankfully. I'm...
Actually, I need to open the tomb to start reincarnation. So yay for convenience.
If you're a mage and okay with exploiting a bit, you could climb the walls then kill him from above while hiding in a tiny hole so that you can't...
Well after getting wiped out 5 times I found a nice way to beat him. First I bought an inventory full of potions and calculated the best neutral...
I was on my last potion, it was 1/3, I was about to kill his final form! Then he respawned cause apparently he has multiple lives.
I can also help tomorrow. Just set a time, I'm in UCT +0
I can help if you're still awake. Different time zones
So then it's settled? We're gonna meet up in Troms and kill the CoW (hopefully) at 7:00 or 19:00 UCT+0 on let's say....server 10?
How bout today at 4:00 UCT +0?
If you still need to get in I can help. I can do both obstacle courses.
Huh. Well, at least I burnt some time which is always great. Also I probably shoulda guessed that it had all been found already.
I believe it's 5283
Right then. While I'm stuck on CoW I'm gonna be down here a lot. I recently went around Skien's Island, and found out quite a lot of stuff that is...
Well the advantage of archer is we can (though it's pretty difficult) knock the CoW out of aggro range. I did it once...then proceeded to die from...
Archer lvl 68