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Luigi McDingle
Last Activity:
Feb 17, 2024
Sep 2, 2014
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February 18
The Milky Way Galaxy
Gamer and Builder

Luigi McDingle

Giver of Cookies, Male, from The Milky Way Galaxy


holy crap lois, my favorite childhood multiplayer experience is a part of minecraft's official public server list - good work everyone <3 Nov 8, 2023

Luigi McDingle was last seen:
Feb 17, 2024
    1. GhastRenave
      Hey I just got a few morph amethysts in if you have a morph topaz to trade for it.
    2. Luigi McDingle
      Luigi McDingle
      1. bloww and icecream27 like this.
      2. icecream27
        What happen
        Nov 10, 2016
      3. Luigi McDingle
        Luigi McDingle
        VIPP. Me. Yes. Whtr.
        Nov 10, 2016
        bloww and icecream27 like this.
    3. Luigi McDingle
      Luigi McDingle
      Who here is an avid alcohol drinker and Pokemon player? I have something to show you.
      1. ElegantDeath
        I'm one of those 2 things listed
        I'll leave it to you to guess which
        Nov 23, 2016
      2. AetherArising
        obviously avid alchohol drinker. ^
        Nov 23, 2016
      3. ElegantDeath
        gee how did you manage to not guess it
        Nov 23, 2016
        AetherArising likes this.
    4. Luigi McDingle
      Luigi McDingle
      Someone play BattleBlock Theater with me.
      1. icecream27 likes this.
    5. flip
      Thanks for the- *checks below* phew looks like i am special after all! Thanks for the follow
    6. Luigi McDingle
      Luigi McDingle
      Give me weird pictures I can send to my friends in the middle of the night with no explanation, sort of like this i.imgur.com/ERxQtSr.jpg
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Icicly
        Oct 19, 2016
      3. Tealy
      4. Luigi McDingle
        Luigi McDingle
        Thanks, bro.
        Oct 19, 2016
    7. Luigi McDingle
      Luigi McDingle
      1. View previous comments...
      2. DCM627
        I'm saying some of the stuff in that dump was just frightening...
        Oct 19, 2016
      3. Luigi McDingle
        Luigi McDingle
        Oh, like the Pokemon GO mutant thing?
        Oct 19, 2016
      4. DCM627
        Plz don't remind me...
        Oct 19, 2016
    8. Luigi McDingle
      Luigi McDingle
      GUYS, I HAD AN IDEA FOR MINI GOLF! OK, here it is. The rules are the same as regular mini golf, BUT, every hole, all players draw (comments)
      1. Luigi McDingle
        Luigi McDingle
        a card with a number on it from a set. The number the players get tells what they have to use as a ball for that hole! For example, if they draw a card with a 1 on it, they can use a regular golf ball. If they draw a 2, they use a bouncy ball. If they draw a 3, they use a marshmallow. If they draw a 4, they use a wooden block, and so on.
        Oct 17, 2016
      2. Luigi McDingle
        Luigi McDingle
        Also, every hole, a random player is chosen and they will draw another card that tells them what they must use as a club for the hole. A 1 gets them a regular putter, a 2 gets them a hockey stick, a 3 gets them no club, where they have to use their hands or feet to putt, and etc. Basically, it's Golf With Your Friends in real life.
        Oct 17, 2016
      3. Luigi McDingle
        Luigi McDingle
        These are just examples I came up with, mind you. You could use anything you want for balls and clubs!
        Oct 17, 2016
    9. Luigi McDingle
      Luigi McDingle
      I want to do voice acting, but no one needs voice actors. ;_;
      1. Soviet Union
      2. Grvphene
        Voice acting agencies do exist if you want to do it professionally.
        Oct 13, 2016
      3. Luigi McDingle
        Luigi McDingle
        Not professionally yet. I don't really know what I want to voice act for, all I know is that I want to do it.
        Oct 13, 2016
    10. Luigi McDingle
      Luigi McDingle
      1. cicetil
        Just lost two days worth of work, but it was worth it.
        Oct 12, 2016
        Luigi McDingle likes this.
    11. Malkavian
      Why are you not continuing "Kill the Enderlord"?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Sharubii
        what's "a life"?
        Oct 10, 2016
        XavierEXE and Malkavian like this.
      3. Luigi McDingle
        Luigi McDingle
        Well, Sharubii, when a mommy and daddy love each other veeeery much...
        Oct 10, 2016
      4. Sharubii
        they play vidyagaems
        Oct 10, 2016
        XavierEXE, ElegantDeath and Malkavian like this.
    12. Luigi McDingle
      Luigi McDingle
      Guys. I want to get some people to do a thing with me. We'll all switch to the same skin, (preferably silly or sp00py) go to a server, (con)
      1. Malkavian likes this.
      2. Luigi McDingle
        Luigi McDingle
        and just dick around. Maybe we could say stuff at the same time or stick together in a minigame or something.
        Oct 7, 2016
        Malkavian likes this.
      3. Luigi McDingle
        Luigi McDingle
        I had another idea: We change into one super creepy skin, go to a server, pick a person, and just follow them around without saying anything.
        Oct 7, 2016
        Malkavian likes this.
      4. Malkavian
        This could actually be really fucking fun XD
        Oct 8, 2016
        XavierEXE likes this.
    13. Luigi McDingle
      Luigi McDingle
      Hey, guys, it's time for something I did a while back called The Riddle Trail. Basically, I'll give you a puzzle that will lead (comments)
      1. Luigi McDingle
        Luigi McDingle
        you to another puzzle somewhere else on the internet, which will lead to another puzzle, and etc. The prize for getting to the end is a mystery until you solve all the puzzles! Here's your first one: Go to wherever you go if you know little about me and want to know more.
        Oct 6, 2016
      2. HappyMcDoodle
        Can you hint about the one that you have to decode right after the first clue? I already decoded it, I'm just confused what it's hinting at...
        Oct 6, 2016
      3. Luigi McDingle
        Oct 6, 2016
        HappyMcDoodle likes this.
    14. Luigi McDingle
      Luigi McDingle
      Guys, I need your help! I'm looking for a stupid, pointless game on the Google Play Store to occupy my time. And DIG DEEP! I've been lookin!
      1. Killerbug191
        I suggest BioBeasts. It's pretty well made, actually.
        Oct 5, 2016
    15. ElegantDeath
      I am laughing so hard at everything you're writing in shoutbox
    16. Luigi McDingle
      Luigi McDingle
      Question. The rules so "No inappropriate posts, keep it PG-13." Does this apply to PMs, or are those a free zone?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Luigi McDingle
        Luigi McDingle
        Are you sure? It just got smacked by an 18+ filter.
        Oct 3, 2016
      3. Nepeta Leijon
        Nepeta Leijon
        I mean, that one part of it was super lewd, and I'll admit it isn't one of the most PG-13 animations I've seen, but I think you should be alright if you just link to it in the PM with fair warning.
        Oct 3, 2016
      4. Luigi McDingle
        Luigi McDingle
        Alright, thanks for the help! Thing is, I already deleted the finished project, so I'm gonna have to it it all over again. ;_;
        Oct 3, 2016
        Nepeta Leijon likes this.
    17. Rastin
      How's peach doin'? She still getting fucked by B0wser? kappa
      1. Luigi McDingle likes this.
    18. Luigi McDingle
      Luigi McDingle
      1. BlueMannChew likes this.
      2. BlueMannChew
        on a server i played for 3 days got a enchantment table, my first enchant was fortune III eff IV unbreaking III and got 20 blocks of diamonds and everyone was jealous XD
        Sep 30, 2016
      3. Luigi McDingle
        Luigi McDingle
        Holy fuck.
        Sep 30, 2016
    19. Luigi McDingle
      Luigi McDingle
    20. Luigi McDingle
      Luigi McDingle
      @Jane I don't deserve 500 likes, but thanks for giving it to me!
      1. Morgan83 likes this.
      2. Flubby
        If anyone gets a like they deserve it.
        Sep 27, 2016
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  • About

    February 18
    The Milky Way Galaxy
    Gamer and Builder
    Hey, I got some ideas here.

    My first idea is called "The Emerald Trail."
    Basically, a couple people get a whole bunch of loot, (Emeralds, rare items, maybe even a Mythic or high horses if possible) pick a path or road, and run down it, dropping the loot as they go. After giving the loot people a little head start, a bunch of other people chase after them, picking up the dropped loot. Optionally, the loot people could add a little racing factor, where if a runner catches them and requests a trade, they must give them the best items they had on them... Or something.

    A large number of roads should be used to make sure that no one level group has an advantage over another. For example, newer players could go to the Emerald Trail or the Black Road for looting, while level 100s and stuff could go to whatever's in Gavel.

    I'm calling this one "The Beginner's Speedrun."
    It's recommended that participants write down their current skill build and reset their skill points so as to not give anyone a huge advantage.

    The goal of The Beginner's Speed Run is to get the best gear possible. Sounds simple, right? Well, for this game, no one starts with any items! Players start in Ragni with an Oak Wood weapon of their class, and they have a set time limit to work their way up to getting the best items they can. Obviously, going to Banks and switching classes are not allowed.

    Points are measured by the stats of items the players have once time runs out. For example, if someone has 43 Emeralds, a Spear with 50-100 Neutral damage, 25 Fire damage, and 60% Exploding, a hat with +100 HP, +2 Fire defense, +2 Earth defense, -3 Water defense and 20% Thorns, and a Chestplate with +40 HP and 7/4s Life Steal when time is up, their total points would be 43+75(Average of 50-100)+25+60+100+20+20-30+20+40+28(7x4) so their final points would be 401. To make sure no one cheats, it would be nice for everyone to have a person following them, watching what they do.

    My third idea is something I'm simply calling "Defense."
    Basically, a group of players goes to an area with a lot of enemies, like the canyon near Rymek or the Roots of Corruption (these are just examples; higher level players can go to other places), and one player stands perfectly still. Do absolutely nothing. If that player dies, the whole group loses.

    Wkdw zdvq'w vr kdug, qrz zdv lw? L'oo jlyh brx d kdughu rqh qrz. Brxu qhaw foxh lv "Nsnynfq vslghu-twwb."

    oh also im male


    Yahoo! Messenger:
    Google Talk:



    "I have broken my leg, and been stung by bees on multiple occasions. That was before I realized nature sucks, and pc = master race." -Nosnevetsekim, 2014


    "i eat coke. i drink my phone." -Divinex7, 2014

    "Now where the hell is this booty case" -xXSpadeZ1Xx, 2014

    "im not using voxel, im hackin" MrMufin, 2014

    "I just realized Igbar's video of killing 1,000 mobs was him taking over my guild's territory. ;.;" -Cloudaria, 2015

    "Having a headstach ;-;" -Shtafjord, 2015


    "lol dud just unplug the wifi thinger" -MinerOSaintNick, 2015

    "afterbjrtb" -Cubae, 2015

    "Don't fucking quote me!" - YunoFuckingGasai, 2015

    "mwh" -King Zahr-ghul, 2015

    "I'd lick Ackro anywhere" - Mekyr, 2016

    "cubie sucks" -huge6446, 2016

    "migglekffchop" -Energyxxer, 2016

    "I farted and it sounded like a broken horn" -FireDrag0nSlayer, 2016

    "More sicl" -I Love Kitten, 2016

    "college is like getting hit in the face with a lead pipe, then it leaves to get a sledge hammer Then proc33ds to destroy you with a blow to the ribcage and skull Then it tells you to be happy and get back up for next w33k" -Nepeta Leijon, 2016

    "omg <3 <3 <3 lil bby" -Lotem, 2016

    "i feel raped by Batman" -Meroboter, 2016

    "roblox porn makes me wet" -Dogovi, 2016

    "The gameplay update did nothing" - Internet, 2016

    "I'm ready for shit to go down, but how ready is a different story." Jacksepticeye, 2016

    "Man Imma get mad pussy soon" -DatDraggy, 2016

    "A light fitting almost fell on me at work. I laughed and gave it the finger. If I'm going to die it has to be something worthy of killing me" -PolarHailStorm (Imgur), 2017

    "lil pricy tho if you want stuf like the succ if you know what I mean ;3" -DatDraggy, 2017

    "FUCK ME RAMEN" -Endertricity, 2017

    "It's not weird if it's research" -Endertricity, 2017

    "oh nice sandwitch hentai" -Dumbass, 2017

    "I'll pay you [Dakota] to stay in... These [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]" -PillowPet, 2017

    "I'm human skin flavoured,
    but with a nice, crunchy human organ flavoured center" -Dakota, 1017

    "Luigis are indeed sexy" -PillowPet, 2017

    "mero is a dinger-donger" -A lot of people, 2017

    "I can watch movies where zombies tear people apart in gory detail. But a shot of a needle entering skin? I'm flopping in my seat like a fish" -damspam (Imgur), 2017

    "is it win 7 8 or 10? if so yes definitely" -Piano, regarding using Bluetooth on a computer, 2017

    "Kys anime now I need to watch you dubbed Go eat a dick" -Genericjoe42, 2017


    "HE [Selvut] IS COMING DOWN TO MY DUGEONFOR SOME BDSM" -TealyBot-z-V.1, 2017

    "im on my period" -Meroboter, 2017

    "I also got a scary on my cheek now" -Yuno F Gasai, 2017

    "suck my downloadable dick" -Skyreach, 2017

    "You're thirteen thousand times more likely to win the lottery than to flag ten mines in Minesweeper." -Anonymous

    "Darren's hot rocks are are in my nose" -EpicMario13, 2017

    "now people can see your waluweewee" -Tomix, 2017

    "ur a transgender, you transgended from an arm to leg" -stag2002, 2017

    "NOIN MY DISNORD" -EpicLuigi13, 2017

    "i'm a furry" -Xylium, 2017

    "is that a mothrEFUCKIng jooJ REFENFERENCE???????????" -Bloww, 2017

    "Humanity was a mistake." Jacksepticeye, 2017

    "IMA GO ANALOG DAB NOWW" -Shamos200, 2017

    "This is fuckin royal dibner m8" -EpicLuigi13, 2017

    "Shia LaBeouf is one sexy man. I'd let him touch me." -Jacksepticeye, 2015

    "Nightcore is a shit stain the autistic kid threw on the music quilt trying to contribute" - Luigi McDingle, 2017

    "neatly partitioned meats and cheeses appeal to me on an aesthetic level ok mfer" -Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter, 2017

    "man i sure d ohate bitch" -some fag named wymin, 2017




    9/10 PillowPets agree that Luigi is sexy
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