The problem started 1-2 weeks ago, that I can't play Wynncraft normally due to really heavy lags. First of all my internet connection isn't the...
The mobs in Avos sometimes drop the Misc. Item Feather. I wanna know if there's any use to it?
Double XP would be awesome, if the servers weren't so super laggy. The game is almost unplayable at the moment. Sometimes the servers don't even...
Hey, I didn't find it myself, so I'm asking you guys. What is the set bonus for the Morph set items?
Hi, I recently logged into my unused classes that were my item storage, back in the days where your bank was really small. I found some old items...
It would be nice if you update the item guide with the new stats, because I was really confused today that my Bismuthinite has different stats...
In-Game Name : LoewenFrankfurt Timezone : UTC +1 Favourite Song : Tech N9ne - World Wide Choppers
IGN: LoewenFrankfurt How do you loose 8 mythics?
IGN: LoewenFrankfurt Highest class level: lvl 78 Mage Food: Quesadilla
What is the set bonus of the full Jester set?
1) Sry. :-P 2) Thank you, but I don't know if I'm able to be online and I still need help. I added you as a friend so I'll contact you next time...
Ok I'm on server 6 now.
I'm on server 5. Let's meet there at the tomb.