direct trading[ATTACH] This is the chatlog of the trade. I started with 3, bought 6, and now have 3.
My IGN is DraxxLP. I just bought 6 Ice Barrow keys from another player but when I switched servers to buy some more, the keys I bought...
Also I just wanted to know, how much would I be able to buy a chestnut horse for? I've saved up 10 LE so far and from what I've heard a chestnut...
Slayne I would like to buy the Adamantite. Its listed for 32 eb there.
I would like to buy the Kelights Shield Leggings how does 48 EB sound?
deal I can be on later after school so what time works for you
I'll buy the Bad Wolf if its still there. dont know for how much though
I can get on now I'll be on Detlas server 6
50 eb?
oh um i dont have that much. would i be able to get just the hexed for like 32eb?
I would like to buy Rarity 4, Rarity 6, and Hexed Amulet. How much would those come to?
My IGN is DraxxLP I only have 1 class right now, its a level 50 knight (VIP) I can contribute by giving a good amount of emeralds, I also tend to...
I'm on now are you able to trade it to me?
My IGN is DraxxLP and I'll be on tomorrow if you can hold it for me until then. (If someone else offers you a little more, I'm willing to pay up...
32 EB?