id like to buy the tower for 3 leles
ill take the tower for 3 leles
Wow most of them are really really awesome. i was thinking about doing something similar too, hope you are okay with it
well not legolas' bow ^^ and wynncraft fighting is not real life at all
I really really like your shop design :)
but. The bow wouldnt have do deal much damage on hit. just a little bit. as gameplay detail, not as serious attack
how about you leave the id names just like they are but add that little feature with punching enemies with the bow? I really like that and it...
i dont know but quiet recent after the gavel update was released
what when I bought my Greaves of Honor back then I paid almost a stack .-. looks like i got scammed, but anyway i was never a good business person
Got a passus lux with 3/4 mana reg, but only 1/4 mana steal and 17% thunder damage we could do 2LE if you want
i have stardust, iron, and emerald
i have a third eye with 2/4 but 128 spell damage. I know its not hitting your Minimums, but anyway you can have it for 2 LE oh well xD just...
There is a mistake. Its huge. People are saying that you wrote 145 sp at one of the aquariuses (?) instead of 14%. inacceptible. Total disaster.
Bumpin dis.