Good luck! :grimacing:
Great Update, super hyped!
Hey, you can always use /kill if you're stuck.
You'll find new armor over time in loot chests or you can buy them from merchants and the trade market. Also the material type is not important,...
According to https://wynncraft.com/stats/player/XxchaocrafterxX your first join was two days ago.
Hello @Bugs Bunny you can disable the music by using /toggle music
Hello @Kittyknight77 this forum is intended for questions related to Wynncraft. If you need help with a specific mod you should probably ask...
Hello @Alpacaturtleboy please note that you can switch between a character bank and an account bank via the chest underneath the arrows to...
Hello @Pigleteabear I'm not quite sure if I got you. The only think I'm aware of is the small information to sneak to continue. It's just an...
Hello @Pigleteabear it's currently not possible to disable this. Please feel free to create a suggestion.
Something like /toggle traderequests and /toggle duelrequests would be helpful so you can't accidentally send them to a player while sneaking.
Hello @NOT_THECLAMFLAPS :handwaving: this forum is intended for questions related to Wynncraft. If you need help with a mod you should probably...
Hello @Graxum You can find more information about prohibited modifications in the rules. Afaik, NVIDIUM is similar to Optifine, so if it...
You can try using /fixquest
Have you already tried using /forum in-game?