JackO_Frost, anytime at detlas and my browser lagged and posted it 3 times at the same time sorry XD
Could I please buy that reaper of souls for 50 EB?Could I please buy that reaper of souls for 50 EB?Could I please buy that reaper of souls for 50 EB?
Can I buy the reaper of souls?
Got a Reaper of Souls with good life steal?
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you I've been gone to a first aid training session for the past few days and it finally ended earlier today...
Can I buy the Reaper of souls for 35 EB?
It was *** life steal at over like 300/4 life steal D: totally depressed now and since whenever I go to hub I get stuck in an infinite loop of...
Bought a boat pass to selchar and when I put it into my bar to throw it in, I threw it and it turned into my max life steal reaper of souls which...
I'd like to buy the Waves Raiser say 20 EB? Offer Negotiable!
I need price checks on a LOT of items I've got an entire inventory of rares/legendaries and more I need priced XD so heres a list, I'll list it's...
Offer a price! [Legendary Iron String #1] https://gyazo.com/abf007e197644b33a33bdc5aa4a04309 [Legendary Iron String #2]...